To be fair, I’m not sure that getting a project 90% of the way done in this house is a “miracle” by any stretch, but this bathroom in particular has been sucking the life out of me one rotten layer of subfloor at a time for the last three years.
So the fact that it looks like this?
When it used to look like this…
Yeah. Kind of feels like a miracle.
It’s been a little while since I last checked in on this because back when it was still snowing (that was literally just a month ago, because Michigan) I took a small (3 day) break from life to climb some very big hills, camp on a beach, and then I started a new job for the first time in a decade. So April was kind of a month for me.
Not a bad month, just intense.
(You can’t tell, but there are 35MPH winds trying to take down my tent in this picture, which is pretty much a metaphor for my life over the last few months.)
And just as soon as I got back from the beach and got settled in to my new work routine, spring finally happened on the farm. Which means we went from snow to foot-high grass in about 3 weeks. Weeds. A garden that needed to be planted. All the fun stuff.
Which is why the bathroom made it to about 90% finished but, you know, still doesn’t have an actual door.
Here’s what it does have though.
1.) A new tile floor.
2.) A working shower.
(Shower curtain from Target. I have this thing where I mostly hate shower curtains, but I really like that one.)
3.) A working toilet, that is not leaking into the subfloor.
4.) This amazing barnwood hutch (that I did not make, I got it on Etsy here) where there once was a closet.
5.) A nice, smooth ceiling! (I realize this is not exciting to anyone who didn’t spend actual years of their life patching holes in this damn thing. But since I did, it’s damn well exciting to me.)
There’s still a fair amount of “finishing touches” that need to happen though, including:
- Figuring out why I’m not getting power to that fixture that’s currently hanging out of the ceiling and fixing it. Also putting in a new light.
- Finishing baseboard and shoe molding.
- Building barnwood floating shelves for behind the toilet
- Getting mirrors (the ones I want are only available at Home Depot Canada… and not online. Luckily I don’t live too far from Canada, but I’m waiting for my Mom to get her passport renewed so we can make a road trip out of it.)
- Oh, also, should probably put the door back on this room eventually
But even as-is my mom was right…
Having a functioning bathroom upstairs really was a game-changer as far as quality-of-life goes around here!
Source: Upstairs Bath: Proof That Miracles Happen