DIO is the New DIY (Design it Online)

With the internet’s prevalence, more and more customers are turning toward it to design their latest creation.

The way things used to be were:

Find inspiration on Pinterest to DIY some home decor for your house.

Attempt (and let’s be honest, fail, most of the time) to create said home decor and use up most of your day or week.

“Doing It Yourself” often takes a long time, with many supplies needed and lots of instructions if you want it to turn out right.

Or, you could shop on Etsy to find the unique pieces that DIY-ers create in their garages.

Nowadays, you can find pretty much anything online with a “customize” button.

Clothing, home decor, shoes, tapestries, stickers, etc.


So why would you want to DIO (design it online)?

I mean….

Why wouldn’t you?

Here are some reasons you should turn to custom sites to design your next piece of merchandise.


You Can Design From Your Couch

No Marshall’s trips, complicated instructions, or time needed!

You don’t even have to move from your comfy couch to design your next t-shirt, blanket, or whatever it may be.

On these custom design websites, you can choose ink colors, garment colors, and even the style of product.

Some even let you upload your own design!

A mom who is in charge of ordering t-shirts for the next event at her kids’ school can customize the shirts all from the comfort of her own home (maybe with a glass of wine).

Or a college girl can design her own sorority letters or philanthropy shirt from her dorm room.

Doing the Breast Cancer walk in your town?

Design a shirt for you and your family to wear to the event.

You’ll be decked out in pink, and rocking your own t-shirts.

The possibilities are truly endless when it comes to custom items.

Which brings us to our next point…


Endless Possibility

Want your own unique Star Wars tee?

You can do that.

Want your child’s face on a mug?

You can do that too.

Sites like Custom Ink or Vistaprint make it possible to put (quite literally) anything on a t-shirt, mug, or print.

For any occasion, you can DIO.

It kind of makes me want to attend more events, just so I can design shirts.

Anyone else guilty of this?

If you’re struggling for inspiration, just visit Pinterest to see what route you want to take.

Or, the helpful service team at these companies can help you design or decide what you want your item to look like!

Not only that, but also you’ll have something uniquely yours that you know no one else will have.


Unique Products

You know that once you DIO, you’ll have something that is all yours.

Plus, you will take more pride in it because you designed it!

We come across a lot of products online that we don’t like, or things we would change a little bit.

With designing it online, you can tweak that one thing you don’t like about a product to make it fit your personality.

There are also sites like Society6; while you can’t fully design the item, there are thousands of products to choose from that are designed by artists from all over the world.

In a way, that’s like designing it online.

There are so many products available for people of all kinds.

And because of this, you get a really cool product that no one else has.

See, the way most of these custom t-shirt companies make their shirts is through screen printing, digital printing, or embroidery.

Screen printing enables ordering in quantities, so this would be the route to go if you are ordering for a large group.

For every design, the printers create a “screen”, which is basically a stencil for each color in the design.

They can screen print on pretty much anything, since the process is done by hand!

Digital printing does not require any minimums, so they can print just one shirt with your unique design.

And lastly, embroidery:

This is self-explanatory, but it’s pretty cool that you can create a custom embroidered design or your initials, a monogram, a small design, etc.

Designing It Online (DIO) is the new Do It Yourself (DIY) for many reasons. It’s easy, fast, and uniquely yours.

You know no one else will have the same design as you.

The possibilities are endless when it comes to designing your own products.

The post DIO is the New DIY (Design it Online) appeared first on Top Inspirations.

Author: admin

Hi, I'm Donovan. I like the smell of coffee and sawdust in the morning and I love creating beautiful things and designing spaces.

I love seeking out the latest trends in fashion and home, then showing you how to recreate them for less. So glad you stopped by my website, let's make stuff!!